In the wake of October 7, I felt a compelling, almost urgent, sense of duty to stand in solidarity with Am Yisrael, in Eretz Yisrael. I was driven by a strong call to be with my people and do anything I could to help those directly affected. Arriving just a few months after the harrowing events, I was filled with apprehension, yet I knew I was about to encounter something deeply impactful.

Meeting the survivors and heroes of the atrocities was a profound encounter with the numinous. As they shared their stories with unwavering courage and dignity, I was overwhelmed by their strength and perseverance in the face of such immense adversity. Each personal account was a testament to the indomitable human spirit, a reminder of the resilience that resides within us even amidst the darkest of times.

Listening to their stories, I felt a mixture of awe and reverence, with tears and smiles of fortitude and hope. From the wives and mothers of soldiers heading off to war, to the family members of fallen or wounded soldiers, to volunteers from all corners of the globe, and the abundance of donations pouring in—the collective effort stirred a flood of emotions. Pride in Am Yisrael, my being just one person amidst a massive war effort, and a profound connection to my people. The power of many individuals doing what they can.

This journey to Israel was more than a trip to bear witness and volunteer; for me, it was a transformative experience that expanded my appreciation of human resilience and reaffirmed the strength of Am Yisrael. It reinforced my belief in the power of compassion and solidarity in healing wounds and rebuilding lives disrupted by violence.

In the presence of these remarkable individuals, I witnessed firsthand the numinous—the simultaneous feelings of fear and awe when encountering something truly remarkable. Their stories and acts of courage left an indelible mark on my soul, reminding me of the profound strength that resides within each of us and the importance of cherishing every moment of life’s journey.

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