Did you get a DEXA scan?

As we age, keeping our bones healthy becomes really important. There’s a test that checks bone density, called a DEXA scan, but many people don’t think about it until they’re much older. That’s probably because the typical recommendation is to get your first DEXA scan at 65 for women and 70 for men. But if you already have bone loss, waiting until then could be too late; you’ll have missed out on years of taking steps to strengthen your bones.

You might want to consider doing a DEXA scan in your 40s and 50s.

Bone loss speeds up after menopause due to lower estrogen levels, which makes women more likely to develop osteoporosis. In fact, women can lose up to 20% of their bone density in the first five to seven years after menopause. By the time you reach the recommended age for a DEXA scan, you might already have significant bone loss, increasing the risk of fractures.

Finding out about bone density issues early can help you make changes, like boosting your calcium and vitamin D intake, adapting your diet, doing weight-bearing exercises, and maybe even taking medications to build up your bones and prevent more loss.

Some doctors might not bring up the benefits of an early DEXA scan, or might even discourage it (think: insurance), so you might need to pay for it yourself if it’s something you want to do. Getting the test done at a private facility instead of a hospital can be more affordable. The peace of mind and proactive approach to your health can be worth it. Early detection lets you strengthen your bones before any big issues pop up. Think of it as investing in your future health and independence.

BTW, the DEXA scan itself is a simple, quick test, kind of like a big X-ray, that takes pictures of your hip, wrist, and spine.

Taking care of your bone health now can help you stay active and healthy as you get older.

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