Plexibility Activities I Could Try

Reflect on the activities and experiences that bring you lightheartedness, and excitement, and expand your horizons. Use these sentence starters to explore what sparks your curiosity, joy, and sense of play. ** As you read back your answers, see if there is a common thread between several. You might start with activities along those lines.


Plexibility List (or Possibility List)

Before jumping into something—whether it’s a fresh adventure or part of your daily routine—take a moment to explore the plexibilities, or possibilities. This is about discovering playful, creative, and unexpected ways to approach what’s in front of you. Even the most ordinary things can open up in exciting ways with a little curiosity and plexfulness!


Plexful Mindsets

Plex thrives in the space between curiosity, openness, and playfulness. The words we use (think or speak) shape how we engage with the world and influence the way we approach each moment. The following words and phrases reflect the core mindset of Plex—they’re about letting go of limitations, embracing new possibilities, and giving yourself permission to explore without fear of failure.


Plexful Activities to Try

Plex isn’t about big, bold actions—it’s mostly about infusing everyday moments with playfulness, curiosity, and openness. While mega and epic experiences have their place, Plex is mostly about how you engage with the micro and routine moments of life.


Solo-Plex: A Solo Plexful Adventure

Sometimes, the most meaningful experiences come from stepping out on your own. Solo-Plex is your invitation to embrace the beauty of alone time, to explore, and to expand your world without relying on anyone else.


Allowing yourself to Plex

Doing Plexing is not hard. It’s deciding to allow yourself to do it that is hard. Once you start Plexing—exploring, experimenting, stepping into the unknown—it often flows naturally. The real challenge? Giving yourself the space, permission, and mindset to begin.


Growth Mindset vs. Plexfulness: Understanding the Difference

Growth Mindset is about embracing challenges and believing that abilities can be developed through effort and persistence. Plexfulness goes beyond this, focusing on creative exploration and expanding one’s experiences and perspectives through spontaneous, playful curiosity. It’s about growth but with a lighter, more explorative energy.


Is it Plexful? It Depends.

Activities can be Plexful experiences… or not. So much depends on context and mindset. The same activity that feels expansive and exciting in one moment might feel routine or restrictive in another. It’s not just what you do, but how you approach it. Let’s explore how context shapes the Plexfulness of an experience.

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