How to deal with menopause symptoms

Devora Krasnianski speaks with Dr. Hilsenrath who explored various aspects of menopause, providing insights into what happens within our bodies and sharing strategies to address its symptoms. We discuss everything from hormonal treatments to pharmaceutical options and natural remedies. Moreover, we delve into the risks and benefits of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), different methods of HRT, and essential factors to consider when making decisions about your health.

Our intention is to equip you with the knowledge necessary for effective conversations with your doctor. Understanding which symptoms to discuss, considering your current lifestyle, familial background, and personal preferences are crucial in managing your menopause journey in a way that empowers you to feel your best.


03:38 Introduction to this topic
04:42 Understanding menopause and perimenopause
08:30 What estrogen does for a woman’s body
10:33 What happens when estrogen decreases
13:08 Risks and benefits of HRT hormone replacement therapy
14:23 The risk of uterine cancer and taking progesterone in addition to estrogen
16:28 Risks of breast cancer – understand the studies
20:44 Risks of heart disease – understand the studies
21:15 About HRT hormone replacement therapy methods
23:12 About bio-identical hormones and synthetic hormones
26:32 Contraindications for HRT
28:46 Localized hormone replacement (vaginal)
30:03 When to start with HRT
35:46 For every symptom there is a non-hormonal alternative
41:24 Make an educated decision with your doctor
42:32 Different HRT method – it’s a matter of preference
45:14 How long to take HRT
50:23 Taking progesterone in addition to estrogen patch
52:14 Does HRT help with skin
52:59 When/if to up the dosage
55:14 Testosterone and menopause
59:18 (What is a compound pharmacy)
1:03:43 Working with your doctor to get the right dosage
1:05:27 Q: Is it normal for period to come back after 9 months of no period
1:13:14 As long as a woman is menstruating, she can become pregnant 1
:16:43 How to have these conversations with your doctor
1:23:06 Wrap up


North American Menopause Society (NAMS)
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)

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