Ask: “Who can help me?” rather than “How can I do it?”

“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

We can only do what we can do. We are limited in time, energy, and also skills. When we have something to do, instead of “How am I going to get this done?”, a better question is, “Who can help me accomplish this?” or “Who will help me reach my goal?” or “Who can help me with that? Who has gone that way already and who can teach me?”

Ask this question in all aspects of life.

Getting the right Whos in our life will free up our time and energy – to do what we’re good at, and less time on what we can do, but not all that good at.

When we think about Who, all kinds of interesting ideas and collaborations become possible.

(based on: Who Not How by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy)

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