Our past patterns don’t define who we are.

📌 Midlife is a great time to become the ‘you’ that you know is there deep down.

Someone has a pattern of not putting things back where they belong right away. She calls herself disorganized, “I am just a disorganized person, that’s just my personality”. But in truth, disorganized is not her personality. It’s not her identity. It’s not coded into her DNA. It’s not a fixed thing.

📌 Personality isn’t real at all; it’s really just a collection of opinions, memories, fears and judgments acquired during childhood and beyond.

📌 What we did yesterday and all through the years is our past. And that isn’t relevant to our present and future.

Every moment really is an opportunity to make a choice.

📌 Instead of making choices from our ‘personality’, we should be operating from ‘purpose’.

When we act from purpose – something we really, really want to do – then we get a burst of energy to actually do that. We get creative and energized and figure it out. (Sometimes, it takes support to come up with ways and then to keep it up.)

We can choose to do something different from our past patterns. We just have to let go of our perception of our personality, and get past the blockage of ‘that’s just who I am’. We can break the thinking cycle that we have a pattern of being [disorganized, late, shy]. We can overcome the beliefs that it is our permanent personality.

📌 We can jump beyond our typical past behavior and the perception of personality and act from a place of purpose.

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