Self-Forgiveness invites you to change your mind about yourself.

We all make mistakes; after all, we’re human. And then we feel bad about it. It is often our distorted interpretation of what happened rather than the reality that holds us in a vortex of negativity and shame and beating ourselves up.

The fact: you didn’t make the follow-up phone call. The interpretation: “Only an idiot would have not had the conversation. I’m such an idiot.”

It is worthwhile to examine the stories we tell ourselves. What are the objective facts in the situation – information that other people would agree is absolutely true? Stick to the facts and let go of the story. And move on to learning and growing from the situation.

Sometimes there may be some uncomfortable emotion that comes from recognizing even just the facts. Work through the emotion and forgive yourself for what you did; don’t let it grow into shame or self-bashing. “I wish I didn’t make that mistake, but I’m human and it doesn’t make me a bad person.”

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