Shabbos: A news detox to restore balance.

This Shabbos, as you revel in the beauty of the day and detach from the endless cycle of scrolling and news, take a moment to reflect. Notice if you are feeling somewhat calmer, somewhat more rested, and experiencing somewhat deeper connections with Hashem and those around you. Tune into how you are feeling during this break from the scrolling and news.

📌Afterward, think about how you can bring some of that serenity and connection into the upcoming week. Start by identifying the pitfalls and triggers that typically lead you to mindlessly scroll on your devices. Explore strategies to prevent these triggers and find healthier outlets for your nervous energy. What tips or hacks could help you break the scrolling habit, the compulsion to know every detail, and the cycle of rehashing the same information and concerns?

📌Explore alternative methods to stay informed without constantly being glued to a screen and scrolling through the news. This could involve designating specific times and news sources for updates or subscribing to email newsletters or WhatsApp for important notifications.

📌Most importantly, redirect the time and energy previously consumed by news consumption toward productive and fulfilling activities. Instead of being inundated with news, invest your time in quality moments with loved ones, tefillah or contributions to projects and causes that resonate with your values. Or something else that brings you some joy and peace.

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