What’s on your “To-Don’t” list?

I love this concept of the “To Don’t” List. Consciously thinking about what I will not do. These are things that I want to let go of. Things that I used to do or that I am asked to do – that eat up my time, suck out my energy, don’t bring me a sense of fulfillment. This balances out my “To Do” lists.

excerpted from: https://www.wsj.com/articles/BL-ATWORKB-107
My To-Don’t list is married to my To-Do list and they make a lovely couple. My To-Do list is visionary, wild, creative, and productive. My To-Don’t list is responsible, conscientious, protective, and attentive. My To-Do list helps me get the right things done. My To-Don’t list helps me avoid spending time on the wrong things.

Why do I need a To-Don’t list? To counteract the biggest myth of time management, which is this: If you work hard enough, organize yourself, and optimize your time, you can get it all done.

Don’t believe it. You can’t get it all done.

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