Plex thrives in the space between curiosity, openness, and playfulness. The words we use (think or speak) shape how we engage with the world and influence the way we approach each moment. The following words and phrases reflect the core mindset of Plex—they’re about letting go of limitations, embracing new possibilities, and giving yourself permission to explore without fear of failure.
Say them aloud. Speaking these words not only amplifies their impact, but also activates your body and mind, inviting change. This simple act can spark moments of clarity and possibility, grounding you in a space that’s open, creative, and expansive.
As you say these words (or read them), allow your body and mind to absorb the energy behind each one. Feel the difference. Notice what shifts within you when you speak these words aloud.
Take a moment to write down how you feel after saying these words. It could be full sentences or just a few words that come to mind. Pay attention to any shifts in your mood, your thoughts, or your sense of possibility.
- “ I’m excited to see where this leads.
- “ I choose to be curious.
- “ I’m willing to …
- “ I’m glad I tried that.
- “ I give myself permission…
- “ I’m open to unexpected outcomes.
- “ I’m letting go and going with the flow.
- “ Yes, I can.
- “ Who says I can’t do this?
- “ You never know.
- “ What if …