Plexibility Activities I Could Try

Reflect on the activities and experiences that bring you lightheartedness, and excitement, and expand your horizons. Use these sentence starters to explore what sparks your curiosity, joy, and sense of play. ** As you read back your answers, see if there is a common thread between several. You might start with activities along those lines.

“What plexful possibilities could I consider?”

Reflect on the activities and experiences that bring you lightheartedness, and excitement, and expand your horizons. Use these sentence starters to explore what sparks your curiosity, joy, and sense of play. ** As you read back your answers, see if there is a common thread between several. You might start with activities along those lines.

  • I’m interested in learning to… _________________________________________________________________
  • I’m interested in learning about… ____________________________________________________________
  • I’m curious about… __________________________________________________________________________
  • I’d like to try…_________________________________________________________________________________
  • I’d like to get better at… ______________________________________________________________________
  • It might sound silly, but I’d love to… ___________________________________________________________
  • When I was a child, I enjoyed… _______________________________________________________________
  • Things I used to do with my free time, but don’t anymore… ___________________________________
  • Things I always say I want to do or learn, but supposedly don’t have time for… _________________
  • I feel alive when I… ___________________________________________________________________________
  • Activities that make me lose track of time are… _______________________________________________
  • Activities that make me feel lighthearted or carefree are… ____________________________________
  • Challenges that excite me are… ______________________________________________________________
  • What I could try just for the joy/fun of it is… ___________________________________________________
  • I’ve always wanted to explore… _______________________________________________________________
  • I’d love to see what happens if I try… _________________________________________________________
  • I’ve been thinking about getting into… _______________________________________________________
  • I wonder what it would feel like to… __________________________________________________________
  • I’m drawn to activities that involve… _________________________________________________________
  • The last time I felt really playful was when I… _________________________________________________
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