What’s Your First Reaction? Noticing Your Go-To Responses

Pay attention to your automatic responses when a new activity comes up—these knee-jerk reactions can reveal a lot about your comfort zone. This list isn’t about judging your answers but noticing patterns. Do you tend to say “That sounds fun!” or “Not my thing” more often? Are there responses that keep you from stretching into new experiences? Try using this list alongside the Plexful activities list to check in with yourself. Where are you open, where do you hesitate, and what small shift could help you be more expansive?
  1. “I’m willing to try something new.”
  2. “I should be doing something productive instead.”
  3. “I’ve always been bad at this kind of thing.”
  4. “I give myself permission to explore.”
  5. “I have real responsibilities—I can’t just play.”
  6. “I want to, but I feel stuck.”
  7. “I’m excited to see where this leads.”
  8. “This feels awkward/ uncomfortable.”
  9. “I’m too old for this kind of thing.”
  10. “Who says I can’t do this?”
  11. “I’m glad I tried that.”
  12. “What if people don’t understand why I’m doing this?”
  13. “I choose to be curious.”
  14. “You never know.”
  15. “I like the idea, but what if I mess up?”
  16. “I’m not sure I’m the kind of person who does this.”
  17. “What if this turns out better than I expected?”
  18. “I wouldn’t even know where to begin.”
  19. “Yes, I can.”
  20. “Play is for kids.”
  21. “Why would anyone want to do that?”
  22. “I don’t have time for that.”
  23. “I don’t have the money to start that.”
  24. “What if I won’t like it?”
  25. “Oooh, let’s do that!
  26. “Thanks for the push. I needed that push to do this.”
  27. “That sounds great. I’m in!”
  28. “Hmmm, no thank you.”
  29. “I guess I could try that.”
  30. “It certainly isn’t my usual, but why not?”
  31. “My kids will think I’m crazy.”
  32. “I’ve never done anything like this. It’s not what’s missing in my life.”
  33. “Only if you come with me.”
  34. “OK, but could we scale it back a little.”
  35. “This sounds so crazy… and I need some crazy now.”
  36. “I don’t know how to let go.”
  37. “I’m just going to be a damper on your fun.”
  38. “I hope I don’t bump into anyone I know.”
  39. “I can’t wait to share about this with others.”
  40. “I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”
  41. “In another lifetime, I’d love to.”

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